Enea Xharja
Software EngineerProjects
I have worked on many projects over the years but these are the ones I am most proud of. They are all public-source and available on GitHub.
My Own Little Corner of the Web.
E-commerce Dashboard and Store
A full stack application built using Next.js with React Server Components and Tailwind CSS.
Home Rentals
A full stack application built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, NextAuth and MongoDB.
AI avatar generator built with Stable Diffusion.
X-Writer Extension
AI writing assistant Chrome extension built with GPT-3 and OpenAI.
AI writing assistant built with GPT-3 and OpenAI.
blog project
A starter blog built with Gatsby.
Next.js Events
Fullstack application built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Firebase and MongoDB.
React App - GitHub Battle
Discover popular repos and battle your GitHub friends.
Responsive coffee shop website built with Gatsby, Tailwind CSS, Contentful and Snipcart
A simple starter to get your dev portfolio up and running quickly with Gatsby and Strapi.
Responsive travel agency website built with Gatsby.
Responsive restaurant website built with Gatsby and Contentful.
Portfolio Website
Clean and minimal portfolio website built with Gatsby.
Landing Page built with Gatsby, CSS Grid, styled-components, GraphQL and Contentful.
Weather App
Weather app built with React and Open Weather API.
Thriving Cities
Single page company website built with React and Bootstrap.
Resume Theme
Clean and simple resume theme built with Bootstrap 4.
A fast and responsive React app where you can search robots by name or email
Portfolio Theme
Bootstrap portfolio theme with smooth scrolling and off-canvas navigation.
Restaurant Theme
A responsive restaurant theme built with Bootstrap 4.
Budget App
Responsive Budget App built with Bootstrap 4 and Javascript.
A basic checklist built with CSS and Javascript.
Animation and Sound Game with Paper.js and howler.js.
Doosan Baseball
Responsive website - Doosan Baseball.
Trattoria Porsenna v3
Responsive website of Trattoria Porsenna - Version 3.
3D Rotating Cube
Rotating Cube with CSS 3D Transforms - Star Wars Theme.
3D Menu Gallery
3D Menu Gallery with CSS Transition and Transform.
Menu Gallery
Menu Gallery with CSS Transition and Transform.
Pig (dice game)
Pig is a simple game you can play with a single 6-sided die.
Guess the RGB - A JavaScript Color Guessing Game.
Clean and Minimal Score Keeping App.
ToDo List
Simple jQuery ToDo List.
Bootstrap Landing Page Slider
Landing Page Slider - Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Image Gallery
Responsive Image Gallery - Bootstrap.
Wild And Beautiful
Creating an SVG Animated Line Drawing.