Enea Xharja

Software Engineer

React Hooks: useEffectEvent

Note: the useEffectEvent hook is currently in alpha.

The purpose of useEffect is to synchronize a component with an external system. It removes the side effect from React's default rendering flow and executes it after the component has been rendered.

In fact, useEffect runs the effect once after the initial render of the component and then after each render if a value in its dependency array has changed since the previous render.

React.useEffect(() => {
}, [id]);

You might encounter a situation where you want to access a reactive but non-synchronizing value within useEffect. For example, you need to pass some state information for your analytics.

React.useEffect(() => {
  analytics.track(id, state);
}, [id, state]);

However, since state is a reactive value (it changes between renders), it is necessary to include it in the dependency array.

This approach is not ideal because every time the state changes, the effect will be re-executed and the analytics will not be accurate.

Basically, you need a way to tell React that you want to use a reactive value within useEffect, but that it has nothing to do with synchronizing the component and therefore should not be included in the dependency array.

This is where the useEffectEvent hook comes in:

const onVisit = React.useEffectEvent((id) => {
  analytics.track(id, state);

This hook returns a function that abstracts the reactive but non-synchronizing value into its own event handler, which you can reuse within useEffect without having to include it in the dependency array.

React.useEffect(() => {
}, [id]);

To recap, think of useEffectEvent as a way to abstract reactive but non-synchronizing values from useEffect, similar to how an event handler abstracts a side effect from React's default rendering flow.